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Jan 19, 2021
In General Discussions
Why do we overcommit? What is it that makes us so obsessed with not missing out? Why in the HELL is “FOMO” a thing? I’ve asked myself this for years, and I always came up with this same thing... society has screwed us! We are over worked and then expected to go over and beyond in our few minutes of down time. And for what? Just to keep spinning on the wheel of making an appearance? Life is entirely too short to keep spreading it so thin that we can’t even enjoy it! Have you ever driven home from work and pull in the driveway and think “wtf, how did even I get here?” ME TOO! That’s because we go into autopilot all the time and just do stuff because we are “supposed to”. The mundane repetition of doing stuff to satisfy others. What happens if after you finish your actual time working, and you do what you want rather than what you think others expect? YOU FEEL GOOD! So ask yourself before you make that commitment to that birthday party of the friend that’s mean to your kid, does this fill us up? Or am I just going to check that off the list? If it’s the latter, don’t go... and don’t feel guilty about it! It will take time, but like me, when it feels right, chances are it is! We got this! And people that genuinely love us, will understand.
Jan 19, 2021
In General Discussions
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