I have been struggling over the past few weeks trying to figure out how to talk openly about something that seems to be kind of controversial. I try to keep things light, but I really want everyone to be able to hear my story, and without judgment. I am basically an open book but struggle with medical stuff and always have. If me sharing my journey helps someone else, it’s totally worth feeling uncomfortable. I love my community and my friends on Instagram have grown so much! I’m so excited to be able to have more people to open up to and grow with. But with all of that, comes some critiquing, backlash and also some not nice comments. I try to be really careful about how I word things and what I talk about. So when I’m talking about a subject that is currently causing eye rolls, it was really important that I stopped and thought about everything that I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. I plan on sharing my story very soon and hope and pray that at least ONE person has an “ah ha” moment from it. It’s only been discussed with my close friend group and family, but I feel strongly that I could help someone by speaking openly. I’m still very new into the “influencer” world, but I was “influenced” by someone to really take a long look at my health and get to the bottom of it. And I DID! I’m so grateful for her. I’m so thankful I have this platform, it can be tough at times, but I love it so much. I asked for a “sign” from God and the universe on if I should share or keep it private, and the answer was delivered LOUD AND CLEAR! So, stick around and I’ll be diving deep into my health over the past 5+ years, and what I’m going to do to (hopefully) change the trajectory for my future healthier me!
